The SDS De-escalation and Conflict Resolution Training Program is designed to prevent, educate and mitigate the risk of violence in the workplace.

This program is for all managers, Human Resource personnel, and security. We offer comprehensive and relevant training utilizing the most current concepts and approaches to prevent workplace violence. Developing clear communication and guidelines among the different departments in your business is a key factor in how disputes, reprimands and termination will be resolved.
Educational, Comprehensive & Empowering
Employees will be involved in problem solving situations, mock interviews and challenged to use verbal and physical skills taught. The interactive training will prepare your staff to de-escalate a dispute among employees
and incorporate methods of resolving conflicts when they arise.
Topics Covered in The Training
- Precipitating Factors
- Linked Behaviors Of Those Most Likely To Commit Violence
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Techniques
- Preventing And Reducing The Risk of Injuries to Staff
- Reducing The Liability Of Law Suits
- Developing A Pro-active Response To Disgruntled Employee Complaints
- Creating A Culture of Safety In The Workplace
- Termination Procedure Review
- State and Federal Guidelines Termination Compliance
SDS De-escalation and Conflict Resolution Training Program—4.0 hrs.—$650.00
Contact Cameron Bucy For More Details and Scheduling
Contact Info: Cell: 256.337.3467 Email or