SDS Executive Protection Course Fee: $800.00
This comprehensive course will offer both classroom and field training exercises and drills. Students will learn innovative skills and techniques of the art of Executive Protection. This course is taught over a 5-week period, meeting once a week on Sunday. Hours of training will vary; the average training day will be 5 to 6 hours. Students must register in advance. Check the Calendar for start dates. Please see the gear requirements listed below.
A 3-day Course is offered as well, this course starts on a Friday and runs through Sunday, students should expect long training days, 8 to 12 hours each day. Check the Calendar for scheduled dates.
Alternative training dates can be made available, if your company or department has the need for group training SDS can offer selective dates. Contact us for more details

Topics and Field Training Exercises:
- Fundamentals of Executive Protection Concepts and Approach
- Mindset of The Protection Agent
- Principle Escort, Individual and With a Team
- Route Planning and Escape Routes
- Advance Site Work
- Combative Skills
- Disarm Techniques
- Surveillance Detection
- Protection Driving
- Weapon Training*
- Working Protection Detail

Gear & Clothing Requirements
- Kayak Pants – Tan
- Polo Shirt Provided
- Tactical Boots or Similar, No Sport Shoes
- Nylon Web Belt (Black)
- Suit/ Dark Gray or Black No Double Breasted
- White Shirt Button Down
- Tie, No theme, No Bow-tie
- Black Dress Shoes